To realize true savings there really aren't too many better ways than taking advantage of 0% credit cards. Even though these are introductory interest rates, they still allow the cardholder the opportunity to manage their finances in a variety of ways, while affording him or her a way to save money.
If you are planning on making a big purchase then using a credit card with 0% interest is in essence a free loan. As long as you pay back the principal prior to the introductory period ending you will not be charged any interest. It can be a smart way to pay for big-ticket items such as televisions and vacation packages.
Another way that a zero interest offer helps consumers is that if they carry a balance then transferring accounts to 0 credit cards as a way to direct more money to paying down what is owed. This is accomplished because all of the money you submit as a payment is going towards paying off the principal and none to paying interest.
Of course it is absolutely imperative that you understand what the terms of the offer is before applying. You need to understand exactly how long the introductory period will last. Not only that but you also need to know what the interest rate will be when the intro period expires.
In addition to that there is other important information such as fees, grace periods, credit limits and details about rewards programs, if any, that you will want to be familiar with. This information can be found in the disclosure statement and or terms and conditions that accompanies the offer.
While there may not be nearly as many 0 credit cards as there used to be, they most certainly are still available. The best way to find them is by doing a search on a comparison site that features offers from the leading banks including Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, American Express and Discover card.
Interested in Finding a 0 Credit Card?
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Visit to review offers and submit your credit card application.
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